PS5 job listing suggests an October release date

By Matt Clough | | 6070 |

With mere months to go until the PS5 is launched, details are remarkably thin on the ground. We have a logo, which follows in the same mould as the logos dating back to the PS2, and a controller, the DualSense. We’ve also had a few specs, and a sneak preview of the Unreal 5 engine running on the PS5 and looking absolutely incredible.

However, we still don’t have some crucial information. We have no idea what the console will look like, a topic that has become more interesting since Sony unveiled the radically re-imagined DualSense, hinting at an aesthetic overhaul.

We also have no current idea about a possible price or a release date. These are the two critical pieces of information for many gamers, with many still to decide between the PS5 and Xbox Series X. Which comes first, and the price of each machine, will have a significant impact on which console sells this Christmas and beyond.

We had initially speculated that we expected both consoles to appear in early November, based on past console release dates and the desire to capitalise on the hype and additional spending around the Black Friday and holiday period.

However, last week saw the news that a Sony job listing had made mention of the PS5 being released in October:

This is big news. Not only does it mean that the PS5 may be seeing the light of date in a little over four months (which would be an unusually fast turn around from revealing the console to launching it), but that they’re crucially still confident of being able to fully follow through on the launch. Worldwide manufacturing has been beset by the on-going health crisis and resulting lockdown of the past few months, and gaming has been no exception. All three major console manufacturers have struggled to maintain stock levels, with Nintendo in particular barely able to keep the main Nintendo Switch console on shelves, while the Xbox One and PS4 have both been in limited supply. In addition, various games have been postponed, with developers and publishers stating that they want to wait for the lockdown to have eased in order to give their games a fair crack of the whip. All of this bodes well for a strong PS5 launch. Keep it with for all the latest PS5 news and deals!

Matt Clough

Matt is one of the writers for the Console Deals blog. His favourite console ever is the GameCube, and he will not have a bad word said against Just Dance.